


13:42 WikiStart edited by dsowen
Instructions for committing, submitting patches, and merging from upstream. (diff)
00:02 Changeset [6] by David Owen <dsowen@fugue88.ws>
Added a dummy AI player


03:18 Changeset [5] by David Owen <dsowen@fugue88.ws>
Split Player into different module
03:07 Changeset [4] by David Owen <dsowen@fugue88.ws>
Removed unused HumanPlayer?
03:04 Changeset [3] by David Owen <dsowen@fugue88.ws>
Count failures to assemble a team towards a spy victory
02:52 WikiStart edited by dsowen
Added instructions for getting the source code. (diff)
02:41 WikiStart edited by dsowen
Set introductory text (diff)
02:26 WikiRestructuredTextLinks created by trac
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02:26 InterWiki created by trac
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02:26 TracRepositoryAdmin created by trac
02:26 InterTrac created by trac
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02:26 TracAdmin created by trac
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02:26 TracNavigation created by trac
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02:26 TracBackup created by trac
02:26 TracModWSGI created by trac
02:26 TracIni created by trac
02:26 TracQuery created by trac


03:38 Changeset [2] by David Owen <dsowen@fugue88.ws>


01:18 Changeset [1] by David Owen <dsowen@fugue88.ws>
Random play, without counting failures to assemble a team towards a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.